Image Map

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I miss them:




  1. WOW! i really like your photography! that's awesome. Sounds like we are both trying to do the same thing! How long have you had your camera? what kind is it? And do you have photoshop? I don't! I wish i did! your pics are fun and creative. We'll have to swap locations ideas...that's what I'm struggling with. know of any??? thanks for the comment!

  2. hey, thanks for the comment! I really like your photography too! I love getting new ideas!! Looks like we are doing the same kind of thing. I am just starting out. What kind of camera do you have? And do you have photoshop? I want it bad!! We'll have to swap location ideas and stuff....know of any??? well, love the pictures, they're so fun and creative!
